Health Risks of Improper Use of Cleaning Supplies

When it comes to workplace sanitation, working with chemicals is important to keep commercial facilities clean. The risk of chemical exposure is a significant issue in commercial buildings and facilities. If not trained properly on the proper use of cleaning supplies, people who come in contact with these chemicals may be exposed to some health risks.

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) reported that as many as 2.8 million workers are exposed to deadly cleaning products daily. It’s up to the employer to ensure proper handling and storage, training, and safe use.

As a company providing industrial supplies in Kansas City for years, we discuss some of the most commonly used cleaning products as well as their health risks (if not used properly):

Air fresheners

These contain chemicals that are often highly flammable, have been linked to brain damage and cancer, and in solid form, can lead to death if consumed by people or animals.

Furniture polish

A furniture polish comprises chemicals that can irritate your windpipe, lungs, throat, eyes, and skin, and may lead to nausea if swallowed.

Toilet bowl cleaner

Most bowl cleaner products are extremely irritating to the skin and eyes and may burn your throat.

Window/glass cleaner

This can irritate the throat, nose, and eyes, and if swallowed, may lead to unconsciousness, drowsiness, or even death.

Antibacterial cleaners

Usually consists of pesticides—phenolic chemicals or quaternary ammonium—which can burn your throat and skin, as well as irritate your eyes.

Laundry detergent

Overexposure to laundry detergent may cause asthma. However, this depends on the length and type of exposure. These detergents are responsible for a number of poisonings from accidental swallowing or ingestion.

All-purpose cleaners

Depending on the ingredients used, these types of cleaners can irritate the throat, nose, eyes, and skin. If swallowed, they can be extremely poisonous to both humans and animals.


This is a corrosive product whose vapors and liquid can irritate the throat, nose, eyes, and skin. Direct contact may lead to dermatitis. Accidental ingestion can cause vomiting, prolonged nausea, stomach irritation, and esophageal injury. Mixing bleach with other cleaning products, especially ammonia, may lead to toxic vapors, which may lead to severe breathing issues.

Take your workplace hygiene up a notch with JSI Supply’s janitorial and industrial products

At JSI Supply, our janitorial products in Kansas City ensure optimal sanitary maintenance.

Reach out to us now for more information on our sanitary and industrial products!