How to Improve Workplace Hygiene

Most Americans spend almost one-third of their lifetime in their workplace. Hence, it’s crucial to make sure that the workplace is safe and clean and does not contribute to the deterioration of your health.

If you want to make a lasting first impression on clients who visit the place and ensure your employees remain healthy, here’s a quick guide to improving workplace hygiene:

Ensure Systematic Cleaning

Devise a system of cleaning at your workplace. The system should ensure thorough cleaning of everything (from floors to desk), scheduled deep cleaning, pest control, proper cleaning equipment, maintaining workplace SOPs, and everything that can affect hygiene.

Disinfect and Sanitize

Ensure the use of disinfectants and sanitizers to reduce the risk of infections caused by microorganisms.

Hire Enough Janitorial Staff

Most workplaces are understaffed when it comes to maintaining cleanliness. Hence, there should be enough janitorial staff for scrubbing, cleaning bathroom, kitchen, and other cleaning tasks.

Provide Dining and Smoking Area

Asking employees to eat food or smoke at their respective workstations can affect the place’s hygiene. Make a communal or dining area for lunch and a separate smoking space to avoid a compromised environment.

Take Care of Personal Hygiene

It’s next to impossible to maintain workplace hygiene if the employees are not holding themselves to hygienic standards. Provide all necessary supplements for personal hygiene, like sanitizers, tissue papers, antibacterial hand wash, and other necessities.

Train the staff about maintaining personal hygiene. Let the sick employees take days off or work from home so they do not become the source of disinfecting others.

Take Action Against Poor Hygiene

Maintain a check-and-balance system; any complaints regarding poor personal hygiene or actions resulting in compromised workplace hygiene must be addressed immediately with the utmost severity.

Stock Cleaning Supplies

Maintaining the janitorial closet of your workplace is crucial. It’s an essential cleaning asset for ensuring workplace hygiene. Furthermore, buying and using cleaning agents and advanced cleaning supplies ensures that nothing lacks cleanliness. Invest in green industrial chemicals and market acclaimed janitorial and sanitation supplies for most satisfactory outcomes.